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Sustainable Urban Development
We identify potential
In recent decades, lifestyle, work andmobility behavior has undergone fundamentalchange. At the same time, demographicchange and migration into cities and villageshas resulted in huge challenges. The impactof climate change will also be greater incities than in the country. Measures toreduce carbon emissions are the majorpriority.
This difficult situation demands entirely new approaches to urban and district development,as well as to projects involvingurban planning. City districts play an outstandingrole here, as this is where peoplelive and work, where social networks arise,open infrastructures are operated, andopen-planning and architectural visionstake shape.
Innovative approaches allow districts ofvarious sizes to be restructured, optimized, and upgraded. New developments in theareas of densification or the developmentof disused sites offer the opportunity toimplement future-oriented solutions.Similarly, established city districts haveto be upgraded, for example throughenergy conservation measures or throughappropriate functional and market-orientedchanges to the land-use mix.
EQUAL ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS’s initiation, planning andmanagement of development and renewalprocesses for entire cities, districts as wellas for individual buildings and propertiesis fully integrated, meaning it takes allaspects into account. In particular, thisinvolves supporting developers and thoseresponsible in local government authorities.
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